1.1 How This Works

Still with us? Great! This page will explain more about how learning through this website works.

Everything you need to do the learning is on this site. All you have to do is work through the lessons in the correct order. You can be a complete beginner when you first come here, but we promise if you stick with it you will leave it with a level of knowledge that will allow you to continue your learning on your own.

The entire course is laid out to the left there, in those black bars with titles in them. You will notice that some of them are bigger than others. This is to show that the course is split into chapters. The bigger bars indicate the beginning of a new chapter and the smaller bars are the lessons in the chapter.

All the bars are clickable and will open a page. Clicking a big bar will explain what the chapter is about, while clicking a small bar will open up a lesson. Simply work your way down the list of bars, doing all the pages in the correct order.

You will notice that the "1.1 How This Works" bar has currently got a green light on it. That's because you are currently reading this page. The green light shows where you are in the course. When you leave this website, you'll need to remember which bar was lit up, so you can click on it when you come back to continue where you left off.

To make it clear where to go next, we've added a button at the bottom of each page to take you to the next page anyway. So there will never be any confusion about where you're going next.

Where Are You?

Where you use this website is up to you, but just make sure it's somewhere you can't be disturbed. If you live on your own then you can use it at home, but if you live with people who have a habit of interrupting you, I would recommend taking your laptop to a cafe and going through the website there.

Chapter 2 is purely watching and reading. We're well aware you're not mentally ready to start trying to code anything yet, so we made it purely informational.

So get yourself into that location where you can't be disturbed. Grab tea, coffee, snack, whatever you need. Put your phone in airplane mode, sit back and take in all the information you're about to see.

Click on the button below to head on to chapter 2!

Continue to 2: What Is Code?